Fate awaits

With the moontime party in her pants having eased off for another month or so things between Inamorata and I have simmered down a bit too. Fresh corporate upheaval means our conversations are now more work focused and whilst there’s still an undercurrent of sexual playfulness I can tell her heart’s not really in it. The topic of her and her husband hasn’t come up recently either but I know she’s flying out with him to Antigua or Mauritius or some other sun-drenched paradise for a fortnight’s lounging on the beaches so I suspect she’ll use this time with him to decide if she wants to recommit to her marriage or reignite her dalliance with me.

Lately I’ve found myself repeating a fantastic Mark Twain quote – Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their optioninnumerable times each day, often with the addendum ‘she’s not your priority, you are’. It’s odd that Me First feels like the wrong way to proceed, but so far it’s results have been positive so I guess I’ll see where it goes

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